Thursday, 31 May 2012

power perspectives

Bangalore city electricity Supply Company is always generous with us. We are never at the receiving end of pitiless power cuts in summers, atleast in the locality where I dwell. Well in winters how many of us want the ACs and the funs running at lightning fast speed in Bangalore? 

                But everything has an exception right? So has the power cut.  One fine morning, we were deeply engrossed in work- elevating india’s power scenario and contributing to national GDP. Now I cant disclose more about my job profile folks. 

“BEEP”… we received a mail from our HR department that maintenance work has been scheduled in the nearby substation from 11am to 4pm today by the city electricity dept. “Kindly bear with the intermittent power supply” was the intent of our proactive HR mail.

“ Clichak” the tubelights got blinded. Our hall which is as big as an aerodrome instantly plunged into darkness and hotness. Hotness?? -- Due to the non-contribution of the ceiling fans. Only the computers survived banking on the UPS. The light emanating from the PCs washed our faces in glazing blue and white shades. I got up and rotated my head in all angles.

 Some souls saved their work sheets and documents hurriedly before they succumbed to UPS upset. 

“Hey it is not yet eleven” booed some voices. 

“come let’s break for coffee.” Extended  his hand to the coffee mug another coffee starved employee. 

In a far corner where there is dense population of highly learned employees in the fields of economics, commerce, politics apart from engineering, someone echoed “Manmohan singh should step down. India will not see light unless we curb corruption”.
“No…No… anna hazare should not at all have taken Kiran Bedi in his team” pierced another wisehead.

“Madam, tomorrow they are staging bharat bandh. Should we come to office tomorrow?” softly pitched in my trainee.
Unable to answer that question I looked around when I caught sight of one of my colleagues giggling and blushing while a mobile phone was glued to his ear. Now don’t ask me who is on the other side of the conservation. 

“you should have opted for a capsicum red border for this saree rather than the guava green”. Rendered free fashion fundas a lady employee examining another lady’s pallu in the corridor.
“We anyways gobble up the guavas and capsicums. So why not spare them the sarees, Oh ladies?” I opined in my mind.

“hope there wont be any surprises for lunch. I am already hungry.” Expressed my neighbouring pot bellied colleague munching on a banana.

Unperturbed by this, some heads were buried 10 meter deep in books, documents on the table. Nothing can stop them from working. Not even the end of the world. If not controlled, there is a 200% probability that they bag the Nobel prize too. 

Enough observations!! Here comes the end of my thesis. This unexpected abeyance of work in the office throws light on the cravings and inclinations of each individual mind.
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you are stripped of work? The mind starts with what your heart cherishes the most and languishes on that until the boredom sets in. Isn’t that true? Check it out for yourselves.
This incident brought to light some incredible facets of human behavior- how differently people view their time.
If you ask me what I did, well, who observed all these?


  1. Ur blog texted helped me to visualize the scenario in 3D mode, especially d sarree one. Your narration for the scenario was interesting and have enjoyed the power breakdown.
    Keep writing more of these boggling stuffs.

  2. First of all congrats on your new endeavor. Put an rss feed so that people like won't miss a post :) . Secondly please please change the theme ,it appears violent and bright and finally a suggestion about topic of next post-- your new house :)

  3. lol.. !!! THANX A LOT.....



  4. great going suma! i absolutely loved ur sense of humour and style of slight suggestion...i think it's supposed to be "see the light"..instead of "see light".in Manmohan singhs para..or u can keep ur see light and add..."ppl plz there is no grammatical's see light(electricity) only:P
    Looking forward to more of ur articles....
